I grew up being that kind of person that always kept a "straight face" and that gave people the impression that I was not approachable. It scared a lot of people away from me and made me lose a whole of people that would have been amazing friends. I didn't really have a reason for the "straight face". At first I thought I was doing it to avoid taken for granted but later I concluded that it was just me being me. This "straightface" continued until one day, my mum stared and at me and asked:

"Do you know how ugly and unattractive you look when you frown?"

Those words hit me on the face and for the first time I realised that this "straight-face" I carried the whole time wasn't exactly the best.

A few days later, i discussed this issue with a friend and she told me a lot of people had said a lot of "nice" things about me. Some said was unapproachable and so full of myself, some said I look like someone carrying the entire problems in the world on her head, some people even called me "a proud and pompous b**ch".

To be truthful, those words got to me and it made it feel down for days and it even affected my self esteem in a way. About a week later, i stumbled on a post on twitter which said:

"There is so much power in a smile, you never know until you become a carrier"

This post also got to me and I had enough time to pause and think. After some hours of pondering, O decided to do a little "experiment"; I declared a "three day smile challenge" for myself.

On day one of my smile challenge, I notice that a lot of people kept looking at me twice, some couldn't hide the "surprised" expression on their faces, some even asked why I seemed so happy. Some said that was the first time they would see me smile. It all made me realise I had actually been creating a bad impression about myself all along.

By the time I was done with the three day challenge, a lot changed. I became more attractive and approachable to people, I received a lot of encouragement from people to keep up the smile and I suddenly became a "people magnet". Also I noticed that it boosted my confidence, gave me this inner happiness and made me feel like a better person.

I decided to keep up the smile and as time went on, I began to notice this glow radiated on my face and I realised that I look so much better with the smile on. Also, I gradually became a friendly person and I must confess, a lot has changed since then

However, its important to mention that sometimes, my old nature tends to reappear and i find myself keeping the "straight face" again. So what I simply do to conquer this is that once I realise that I'm wearing the "old lady" again, I just switch to smiling and it has really helped me tremendously.

I'm sure a lot of people can relate to this experience. The truth is that many times, this "straight face" creates unnecessary issues between ourselves and people out there, even people we may not know or are yet to meet because people carry the impressed they have about you and use it to soil the minds of others, that's the truth!

Also, I've observed and I've come to agree with the saying that "smiles are contagious". When you smile at someone, there is a 98% chance that the smile will be returned. I don't know about you but the fact that I make someone else smile so easily gives me this joy and happiness. However, even if the smile isn't returned, keeping smiling all the same. You will realise that in a short while you would become a "people-magnet" and it will go a long way in reversing a lot of negative impressions people may have previously had about you.

Have you ever thought that your smile can make someone's day? Have you ever thought that your smile can give joy to an unhappy man? Well, I've experienced times where a long tender smile lightened the burden of someone who was really down and gave them this peace in the midst of it all. So you see, there is so much magic a smile can perform; that's what makes it so powerful.

Have you ever tried walking into an open office or a meeting with a sweet tender smiling face? If you have, you would notice that at that point, you will gain everyone's attention and your smile will make everyone smile too unconsciously.

So its time to drop that frowning face you call a "straightface" and watch the transformation. Believe me it works! I've experienced the transformation myself. It just gives this amazing glow and warm feeling.

So the next time you find yourself carrying that "straight face", remember that there is so much magic in a smile. Smile in the mirror today and see how beautiful you look.

Thank you so much for reading this post and I leave you with this quotes:

"Smile is the key that fits the lock of everyone's heart"

-Anthony J. D'Angelo

"Beauty is power, a smile is its sword"

-John Ray


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