I broke up with my ex-boyfriend some months back not because he wasn’t caring or faithful, but the guy was a “nag of the century”. It got so bad that we hardly had a conversation without him nagging or complaining about something and at a point, I just knew I couldn’t put up any longer so I broke up with him. But shortly after the breakup, I began to ask myself if the issue of nagging was enough reason for me to kill a six months relationship with a guy who was emotionally attached to me. But while discussing with a number of friends and acquaintances most of them revealed that they also have had their fair share of unsuccessful relationships due to the fact that the other person “nags a lot”.
Nagging in my own opinion is an irritating persistence in insisting that someone does something he or she is reluctant or unwilling to do. To say the truth, everyone or almost everyone nags once in a while due to frustration or just due to the “heat of the moment”. But when an individual does this often, it becomes a habit and when it becomes a habit, it becomes a problem. This is because nagging is in fact an issue that has kills a lot of relationships (including relationships with friends, colleagues and people generally).
One characteristic of nags is that they are usually not accommodating and when you are not accommodating, you would definitely encounter difficulties relating with people. Also, nags are bossy in nature; in other words, they love to be the “commander- in-chief” of everything and of cause, not everyone would be willing to tolerate such behavior. Again, nags feel they are always rights, (they never take correction) whereas in reality no one can always be “Mr. Right”. Lastly, most nags don’t see anything wrong in nagging. They just feel it’s the best way to make their point and get you to do what “you’re supposed to do” but they fail to realize how disturbing they sound when they keep repeating the same words in your ear like a buzzing bee.
Let’s face it, nobody likes a nag. It’s not a nice behavior to always flog issues. Learn to let things slide especially when it’s so obvious that the other person is not willing to buy your idea or suggestion. You mustn’t always have things done your way. If you feel your opinion is best for the next person, you can express it in one or two sentences and glue your lips. You don’t have to say a million words and nag the other person to death in other to make your point.
Lastly, to people like me who find it extremely difficult to put up with that nagging friend, acquaintance, lover or relative, the first thing you need to do is to develop the spirit to tolerance because without it, there’s no way you would be able to put up with that “nag of the century” (that’s what I call them). Also, you just have to learn to be or become a patient listener; it would most likely help in preventing a quarrel. Furthermore, you could try talking to him or her once a while. Make him or her understand that you do not appreciate the attitude of nagging. Lastly don’t be quick give up on the person especially when the person is a loved one or is someone dear to you. The truth is that we all have someone in our live that can “nag for the world” but its best we learn to put up with them especially when they are people we can’t avoid.
In a nutshell, nagging is an unwholesome attitude and my advice to people with this problem is to first of all be willing to change and then seek help from a psychologist in other to get an effective therapy for this problem.
Thank you for taking time to read this post. I leave you with this quote:
“Complains are like the clouds that produce no rain no matter
how thick they gather. Never depend on your complaint thinking
they are staircases. Drop that thing”
-Israelmore Ayivor
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