Kudirat staggered as she saw another devastating bank alert, this man was about to ruin her. He had just yanked another hundred thousand naira from her account. That was the second time that week. When she confronted him the first time, He came up with his usual business related excuses but she knew he was lying and began an argument which escalated into a bitter quarrel. As he result he left the house that day without a word of were he was going to and didn't come back until the evening of the following day. She knew this whole marriage to Emeka was a mistake but didn't want to admit it to herself or anyone. She was married to a loser who kept going from one business venture to another and failing at each endeavor, squandering her money in the process. He was a graduate of economics but refused to take up any paid job as he insisted that he didn't want to work for anyone. Thrice, Kudirat had secured well-paid jobs for him, the first one with the oil company she worked for...